Posts in Speaking
Suzie Thompson, Red Carnation Hotels

If you are looking for someone with a genuine passion for food and drink, slight obsession with social media and a vibrant and inspiring network, then you are in the right place! I have had the great fortune to work with Mark in various roles over the years, including in the early years and more recently at Red Carnation Hotels where Mark is currently supporting our efforts to showcase our people and their passions through social! I continue to be inspired by Mark’s endless enthusiasm, creative genius and genuine warmth as a person.   

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Paul Charity, MD, Propel

Mark is in the top echelon of public speakers within the hospitality sector. He has a very  warm style of public speaking, using direct language mixed with great anecdotes, with a generally self-deprecating approach. He holds his audience from start to finish - and we always get wonderful feedback from attendees of events he takes part in.

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SpeakingRuby Lee
Emily Hourican , Event Director, Irish National Restaurant Conference

Mark is certainly one of the best speakers I've heard. Clear, dynamic, engaging, his information is persuasive and compelling, delivered in a way that is memorable and, best of all, offers a clear plan of possible action. The audience at the National Hospitality Conference 2017 were completely engaged throughout, and many made a point of telling me afterwards how useful, and entertaining, they found Mark's presentation to be. From an organisational point of view, Mark was a pleasure to deal with - absolutely professional and charming in every way.

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SpeakingRuby Lee
Mark Stretton – MD, Fleet Street Communications

Whenever we are looking for super-strong and engaging leaders to speak about what is happening in the market right now, Mark is top of our wish-list.  He adds a ton of value, cramming in an extraordinary amount of content, and latest thinking, all delivered in a really engaging way, and backed by slick visuals.  He always tops audience feedback and is great to work with, so we can’t recommend him enough.

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SpeakingRuby Lee
Anya Marco Harris, Coffee Market Expert and MC at Allegra Coffee Leader Events

Mark is in equal measure, engaging, knowledgeable and inspirational.  He has a vast and unequalled knowledge of marketing and is able to turn his hand to any aspect of branding, marketing, digital, social or PR making the topic accessible to the audience, while being entertaining at the same time.  For many audience members of conference, the day is long and the presentations can be dry and hard to engage with.  Not when Mark is speaking! Audiences always look forward to hearing from him and without exception rate him highly in after event surveys.

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SpeakingRuby Lee
Laura San Segundo. Group Marketing Director, PRYSM Food & Drink

Mark has spoken at our show, Restaurant & Takeaway Innovation Expo, for the past 4 years, delivering an incredibly inspiring talk to a packed out crowd each and every time. Visitors who are lucky enough to catch him in action can appreciate that Mark is a great marketer and innovator, given his passion and breath of knowledge on how to succeed in this ever evolving industry.

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SpeakingRuby Lee
Claire King, Event Director, The Annual Hotel Conference (The AHC)

I have used Mark on several occasions at the hospitality events I direct for very good reasons;

  • Super knowledgeable: Not only does he talk technically about his area of expertise but also with empathy so that regardless of your understanding, you will walk away having learnt something.

  • He is funny: This guy will deliver serious one liners to take the edge off what can sometimes be regimented event formats

  • Personable: Whether on the stage, pre or post session you can approach Mark to ask any questions and he will give you time and share his knowledge. He also encourages the audience to be part of the session, the ego is small and delivery big!

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SpeakingRuby Lee